In Pursuit of Wings I : Digital Artifacts

If the word “roots” conjures a vision of depth, which was what I sought for in Stanford, the word “wings” should most naturally conjure a vision of height, which was what I actively pursued. Inasmuch as my experience in Stanford has grounded me adequately in key fundamentals, this journey in the LDT program has also broadened my perspectives about design, and the role of technology in the classroom.
Below, you will find a series of three digital artifacts that I designed and created as part of my Web-based Technologies class in the Fall Quarter. They represent my initial attempts in the application of theory into learning design. It was challenging working on these. I still remember the days when mere mention of the words "digital artifact" raised my blood pressure somewhat. But upon reflection, I appreciate being pushed to design something creative and of learning value.

What is E-learning?

This is a digital artifact that I produced as part of my Web-based Technologies class. It is a video exploring what the 'e' in e-learning stands for.

Using Apture . Applying principles of multimedia learning

This is a second digital artifact I created. It is a mini-website that shows negative and positive examples of application of multimedia learning principles. The website uses Apture - a cool add-on that promises to change web-browsing behavior. Click here to take you to the site. Or view the slideshow below for an Overview.

Situated Digital Evaluation

This is my attempt at situating evaluation of the Web-based Technologies course in the context of a social network. What would the course look like if it were run from a social network? How would evaluation be done? I set up a prototype using the social network application Ning. Click here to get to the sign-up page for the social network. Or check out the Intro video and slideshow below for an Overview.