In Pursuit of Wings II : Projects

One of the great things I find about classes in the Stanford School of Education is that they are never just about theory. As I sought to cultivate strong roots - foundations in the learning sciences - major projects in all the classes always present opportunities to put theory into practice ... to put on "practice-wings", and to test-fly within a safe environment. A snapshot of some of my "test-flights" is presented below.

Globey & Friends

This is a project I did with Haggai, Prow and Keiko, as part of my Web-based Technologies for Teaching and Learning class in Fall 08. Globey is an interactive virtual e-pet designed to remind kids to engage in environmentally-friendly practices. It involves an interactive Globey & Friends portal and a mobile application of Globey. Check out the website and Flash prototype here, or watch the video and slideshow below for an Overview.

Imagining the Future of Learning : CHUM

Here's a project I did with Tom, Keiko, Rodolphe and Eric, for EDUC333B Imagining the Future of Learning in Winter 08. Using futuring tools, looking at technology trends and hot topics in technology research, we looked into the crystal ball and proposed a context-aware, haptic, ubiquitous and mobile learning device called CHUM. It's a mobile phone and much more. See below for an introduction to CHUM, and the video below that for a usage scenario, tracing the life of Michelle. Enjoy.

A Simulator-Supported Endovascular Surgery Curriculum

This is a project I did with Larissa for EDUC208B Curriculum Construction in Winter 08. We worked with Dr. Jason Lee and team from Stanford Hospital to produce a simulator-supported endovascular surgery curriculum. Check out the slideshow below for a broad overview of the curriculum. The video below that provides a glimpse of what endovascular surgery is about. And finally, at the bottom, you'll find a short video tracing the process we took in developing the curriculum.